The first license - 40 $, each next - 20 $ .
  • payment method
  • count license
  • price
Google Pay visa Mastercard webmoney
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License is unlimited.
Picker Builder is bound to the mac-address of the machine.
You can change the mac-address in your personal account.

Video Tutorial

To buy a license, you need:
  1. Register (You can use your google Google or googleFacebook account).
  2. After you are registered, you can buy licenses here or in your  personal account.
  3. After the payment is complete - in your personal account, fields will appear for entering mac- addresses.
  4. Download and install the Picker Builder if you haven`t done it yet.
  5. Get a mac-address by press RMB on the Picker Builder icon on shelf or in menu and choose “Get mac-address”
  6. Press “Copy to clipboard”, go to your personal account and paste it.
  7. Also you can fill in the field name of your machine - for example - “Work Linux” or “Home Windows”.
  8. Press “Save changes” .
  9. You can work offline after the first launch of Picker Builder.